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For months we’ve been hearing that Georgia is on the cusp of of turning blue.  Now that we have a Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor, Labor Commissioner and Agriculture Commissioner the real work has to be done. Join us at Manuel’s Tavern to discuss what that work look likes with some of Georgia’s finest politicos. We hope you can make it for some wings, a pint of 602, and great conversation in the Tavern folks like us have been loving since 1956.

Confirmed Panelists:

Kristin Oblander, Oblander Group
Joshua White, Foxhole Strategies
Karl Douglass, Carter for Governor

Other panelists will also be attending, and will be shared with RCD members as they confirm! 

The Details:

When:  6:30pm – 10:00pm, Thursday, June 19, 2014

Where: Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highlands Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30307

Attendance is free for Red Clay Democrats members and their first-time guests. 
To join Red Clay Democrats or to renew your membership, visit their website.